Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Another Ordinary Day at the Office

Overheard in a ward round:

Doctor: Mr L why are you so angry with the nurses?

Mr L: These strange women come into my room at all hours of the night and fiddle with me!

Doctor: Mr L the nurses have to come in and take your blood pressure.

Mr L: For what?! I have WATER running through these veins NOT BLOOD!

Doctor: (Sigh). Ok. Mr L do you remember how you got that bruise on your arm?

Mr L: No.

Doctor: You fell in the shower last week.

Mr L: That wasn't me. It was one of my other three personas.

That's all.


  1. Jaco laughed so much at this post :)

  2. Hehe. This is one of my favourite patients! I think he has dementia but no old age home will take him as he says quite scary things sometimes...
