Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Randy Poodle

My landlord's Maltese Poodle tends to get frisky with his blanket now and again and this has caused a certain memory of mine to resurface.

Many years ago, when my beloved Maltese Poodle was still alive the following incident occurred:

One summers day, my father and I witnessed my poodle having his way with a rather large beach ball on the grass next to the pool. Sensing my conservative father's disgust, I attempted to ease the tension with a witty comment: "Mini-me stop humping the laser!" This unfortantely, only served to further aggravate my father and he retorted: "You can see this dog is from Lavender Hill!" (a rough area on the Cape flats), before storming off.

That's all.


  1. This is so funny Nadolkie. And I actually hear your voice every time I read it :)
