Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why I Will Always Be Daddy's Little Girl

  • I fell asleep on my daddy's lap every night, until my sister was born (baby sisters ruin everything).
  • My father taught me to ride a bike and swim without any form of assitive devices (he tricked me into doing both of these but I forgive him now).
  • My dad enjoyed chasing my sister and I around the house with various forms of insects or dead rodents. One day he had a fat white grub on a spade and chased us around the garden with it, my sister ran so hard into a wooden gate, that it was dislodged from its' hinges, fortunately she lived to tell the tale
  • When I was little my father let me sit on his shoulders and do anything I liked to his hair, there were no limits, I usually put every elastic-tie, bow and clip I owned in his hair and then asked my mother to take a picture. I eventually passed this tradition on to my sister and till today she still enjoys tweezing the hair out of his ears (nasty).
  • We were called 'dalchies' as a term of endearment (FYI a dalchie is a Malay deep fried savoury snack).
  • When we refused to go bath my dad enjoyed rubbing our faces and arms with a banana skin until we eventually gave in and went to bath (randomness really is genetic I tell you).
  • My father could make the best coke floats, unfortunately these coke floats were never very kind to my digestive system.

That's all.

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